Man, oh man. Life is interesting. A few weeks ago I was all, "boo hoo hoo. Why is life so hard?" and now I'm all, "I can't wait to see what's in store. MAKE IT GOOD LORD!!! PLEASE!" I would love to meet the person who is self contained and doesn't need others or the rest of the world because maybe they can show me a thing or two. As for me I am acknowledging that I need people. Hezekiah Walker said it best in his song "I Need You To Survive". I saw that title today and I just started thinking that anyone who considers themselves "self contained" or without the need of others are only fooling themselves. Yes, while it is true that others cannot define your worth or control how you feel about yourself, it is something about being with others that helps you sustain. Whether emotionally, mentally, physically or spiritually; these people keep you going. They keep you motivated, encouraged and just charged about being here on this planet.

If you have ever met me in person you may have probably heard me say at one time or another, "Oh GOD, I hate people!" Let me just clarify that statement. I don't hate people. Parish the thought. I just can't stand stupid people but even they, sometimes, bring me a chuckle or two. Folks, although people say that "no man is an island", the truth is we kinda are like islands Not in the sense that we are alone but consider this perspective for a moment. An island is not formed simply because it wants to be. There are several elements or components that contribute to the forming of these islands be they under water volcanoes or sinking land masses.

I never knew exactly what that phrase meant until I attempted to be an island. Our perception of an island is one of loneliness and desolation and abandonment but we have to start viewing things differently. Even an island need various elements to sustain itself. It needs the animals that inhabit the island to help nourish it and bring new life from the ocean or far off lands. Even a spider from a far off land can be swept to a deserted island to start new life. The birds, vegetation, amphibious creatures; they all contribute to the sustainability of an island and we think just because there aren't any humans there that the island is lonely in and of itself. Well my friends, it isn't and we shouldn't be either. It truly takes others to sustain us. Be it encouragement, prayer, conversations, chastisement or any other component that helps elevate us; we all need other people. You need to hear "Everything will be alright." or "You were awesome!" or even "You're an idiot. Don't do that again." We may not need hundreds of people talking in our ears but if you happen to be what is considered an island, finds some new inhabitants who are worthy of your wonderful landscape, mysteries and beauty that you have to offer. I guess I can say that I am an island and I will continue to flourish because I need YOU to survive.

Stay TRU Loved Ones!!!
BTW- Okay, all this may have been a mixture of my thoughts about people and watching the discovery Channel's "Wild Pacific" last week. lol...
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