Friday, July 18, 2014

Everybody ain't got a word

Okay. So, in my cleaning extravaganza this morning, I listened to a J. Moss song called "Everybody Ain't Got a Word" and I kinda laughed to myself because some of the lyrics are funny but the song speaks of a deeper understanding of what God's plan for your life may be and how some people, though some may think they are doing some good, could be interrupting the flow of blessings to your life by giving you information based on their own opinions and calling it "God inspired".  If you have a relationship with God where you seek him daily, move by His direction and understand where his plan is taking you, you can tell the difference between what He wants for you and what you want to do that isn't in line with His will for your life. There are many times we pray for things that we know we shouldn't have and even though there is NO SIGN OR MESSAGE FROM GOD validating that thing, we create, seek and find ANYTHING that will make us feel like that wrong thing is right to do.  In kind, there are some people who want so much to be "THAT PERSON" who is responsible for good things in your life so they can lay claim to it that they will come to you with the "I have a word from God" and if  you know the character of some people, you know, in your spirit, who these people really are and what motivates those words.

I am a firm believer that God can use whomever He chooses to relay a message to His people. I also believe that the enemy will try the same tactic and cover deception under the guise of holiness. Be careful. Pray for discernment and you will begin to understand that God is wondrous and will not lead His children into destruction. Being in an uncomfortable position designed to eventually build you up is completely different that being in a place designed to destroy you. The deception of words is detrimental to the plan God has set up for you. Words can bring down an empire. Words can end friendships. Words can end marriages. Words can cause a person to lose themselves in a world that, by their view, doesn't love or care about them. Action may speak louder than words sometimes but words can cause hurt, harm, and hopelessness. Everything people tell you isn't golden.

Know that if the Lord sends you a message, it will be confirmed in time. Don't just jump because someone said something that sounds good to you.  You know your heart and what you desire. That thing you desire can be a wonderful thing but God may have more in store for you so he wants you to be patient. Understand, being patient and waiting on God may be an arduous feat but if you want to reap the benefits of the blessings He's designed for you, patience is required. Understanding that point, be mindful who you share your dreams and desires with because you may think this person is helping but if they are not praying with and for you on your dreams and desires, they may turn into a hindrance instead of a help. God speaks but he doesn't always go through a cycle of people to get the message through to you. He can bring it directly to your spirit. You may even try to run from some of the things He place in your spirit directly but the thing can't run from God. No matter how much you don't want to believe; no matter how much you think you know; no matter how much you trust yourself and others, God will always make Himself known.

Lots of people want to call themselves prophets or be the ones to give a "prophetic word" and claim they are led by the "spirit" but every spirit isn't from God. Honestly, I think the word "prophetic" makes some people feel like they have just encountered something "deep" and use the word out of context. I have had many people tell me I have said prophetic words and this has always been my reaction:



There are some things that sound true that are really not so be mindful of that before you leap thinking you are going into a God ordained endeavor then find yourself in turmoil because you have followed someone into the lion's den.  There will always be people there to push you into a fleshly, earthly desires and there are some who will be your "Amen Corner" when your desire is not necessarily fleshly or earthly but still may not be meant for you. Seek the Lord for yourself. Under His guidance, trust yourself to follow the right path. People are always going to tell you what they think or what they think God wants for you. Say thank you and continue praying, working and being faithful and whatever your path may be, it will be confirmed and you will know you are on the right tract.

Stay TRU!