When do you know when a love isn't working out and when to just let go? One way to know is if the person you have feelings for have moved on with their life and you are no longer their priority or hold their focus. A relationship has to be a two way street and if you are the only one on that road it's not a relationship. I'm learning that many people hinder their own happiness because they are holding on to something that left them long ago. Not only do they not want to let go but they are content with trying to create tension with the person who has moved on.
It's unfortunate when people cannot accept change and move on but it's harder when you have some of the same friends, have relationships with each other's family or even children together but the most important thing to know is life goes on. It's easy for me to say, I admit that because I haven't had a bad breakup with a guy and had to still maintain any kind of courteous relationship afterwards.
I have had similar situations with friends (not romantically) but over the years I have learned that I may have to love people from afar; wishing them the best of life and love but not having a relationship with them. Happiness is what YOU make of it not who you can have or what you can have. If you cannot find happiness in and with yourself there is no relationship that will provide those things for you. I know because it wasn't until I found trial in my situation and saw that I can still have a joy that people didn't get before love came to me. Love is attracted to love. If you show love for yourself someone will see this and want to love you also but the most important thing to remember is that nothing is perfect including love.
I don't believe that there is any person who cannot have or express love in this world. Heck, even some of the meanest and most spiteful people love someone or something. Love is crazy and we all have to be a little off when we seek and grab a hold of this "love" thing. Affection is so revealing and we have to be ready to strip: taking off all insecurities and doubts because love needs that space to fill you up.
Be willing to let go in order to receive love. Some things (including some relationships) are only meant to be for a moment. Some relationships should have never been but we can't change the past. The current of time goes in only one direction so don't try to flow against the current. Just flow with it.
~Stay TRU
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