Friday, June 25, 2010

I trust me more than I trust you.

Today's blog isn't about the fun warm and fuzzy love that I would normally blog about. Today, I want to go away. I want to go away from everything and everybody. The people I normally rely on to make me, I don't know, (Sane?) are making me think that they think that I should doubt myself and what I feel. Say that 5 times fast.

Maybe I'm too emotional. Maybe I miss things. Maybe my feelings are not meant to be felt so deeply and maybe I should ignore my instincts and just let things be. See, the thing is I trust me and though sometimes I'm not always on point about something, I think about whatever it is that I question and wait for it to reveal itself (which it does most of the time). Whether it's about relationships, career, education or picking out a pair of shoes, gut feelings are gut feelings and should not be ignored. Always listen to the initial feeling you get about something and then look at everything around you that contributes to you feeling like that thing is an issue. It may not be a huge issue but then again it could be that thing that could, if ignored, put you in a very bad place.

Most of all, you have to be honest with yourself and except that some things are not that deep or vital to pursue with life changing consequences just let some things go but the things that will have a long lasting affect on your life, question those things. I'm lost a lot because I want the best to be brought out of people and this week I've been saddened by a few people. Do I let things go because they say they didn't have the intent to hurt or do I address the issue because regardless of whether hurt was the intention, hurt happened. sigh. I wanna write something really sappy and pretty about love later because I'm just not feeling it right now.

Stay TRU!

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