The Love Letters blog is simply about love. I choose poetry, stories, music and images to express my love for just about everything in my life. I also write about other random stuff; from animated shows to trail mix. Sometimes tears are my ink but smiles are my editors. Does he love me? Do I love him? How differently is love viewed in a world where relationships seemed to be based more on material need than love? Come on in, relax and get some love. (^_^)
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Who Runs Your Life?
Dear ones, I just had a few things on my mind tonight that I wanted to share. This blogging is really helping me to connect the dots with a lot of my stray thoughts that seem to live individually instead of forming a collective front to better my life. lol. But I love them, these thoughts, and all of this is a continued learning session for me. Who do I love? Do I love myself? Who are considered sources of encouragement for my life? Do I make my own decisions or are they molded by the influence of other people?
The last question came to me about 10 minutes ago and I had to log on and blog about it. I was watching a silly Will Ferrell movie and seeing his character was use to living his life based on what was allowed by his mom. As you can probably tell I was watching Step Brothers. Funny movie! Well anyway, she enabled him and he was never made to grow up until things fell apart with his mother's new marriage. Although the situations may not be the same, I just thought of some of my decisions as well as some of the choices some of my current and former friends have made based on pressure and influence from other people.
I have allowed others to influence some of my actions but ultimately these were my actions to make so I always take full responsibility but how many people actually feel like they have no other option but to succumb to the wishes of other people. Again, I must say that I, too, have made choices based on what others said I should do and family, those choices were a disaster.
In high school, a friend planted seed that I hadn't even thought of, about a guy we went to school with and the more we talked, the more I looked at this guy and was like, "yeah, I think he's pretty cool." Granted, he was a great guy and probably still is, but I was hurt behind it because he wasn't feeling me and I thought afterwards, "I am such a friggin idiot." lol. Had I just ignored her and didn't entertain her suggestions, WHO KNOWS where I would be now or who I would be with. Maybe I wouldn't be any different but one thing is sure, nothing is certain.
Later, after YEARS of being "good" and very happy, by the way, I had an idiot friend tell me that I needed to let some of my standards go because I just needed to BE WITH SOMEBODY. ANYBODY. uh...I went out with this guy I didn't really want to because he was just anybody and family, again, REGRETS! I was an adult by then so it's not just teenagers who go through peer pressure. Don't be mistaken.
Now my real question is how many of you will allow a person to alter your destiny or just influence you to turn away from your desired choices or maybe it's a person you're turning away from because you feel you have no choice? Who, among you, has felt your heart break because you felt you had to make a choice to appease someone else who just doesn't want to see you happier than they are? Think about it. If you are miserable in your situation and are in the midst of other miserable people, ask yourself this question, "Why am I afraid to be happy?"
In my experiences, I have seen people make choices for their own life because they would appear to be too happy to their friends and family. Well, to that I say, "ARE YOU EFFIN' CRAZY???" LOL! Let me share a tidbit about myself with you to show you how I deal with the pressure of other people wanting me to make my decisions based on their level of happiness. First, I do care about other people's happiness but I care about my happiness first. The two people I respect more on this earth than anyone are my parents. They had me. They raised me. They taught me. They helped to mold my character and I still will not make a decision solely on making them happy if it made me miserable. I make a point to tell them what I think and what I will decide about certain things so that they know that although I will take their guidance into consideration, ultimately I have to choose for myself and I do just that. If they don't like someone I like, I pay attention to their feelings but if I am not going to be with that person it has to be because I agreed with my parents and saw the same things they saw and not just because they said so. Operating like this does lead to learning lessons the hard way sometimes but most of the time parents are not influencing you negatively but letting you know how they feel and that I can respect. What kinda of woman would I be if I cut and run every time someone said
All I can do is hope that my fam (that would be you) really takes stock in what it is that truly makes you happy and hold on to it. If it's the right thing, time will tell, but if you just don't try, how will you ever know. That leads me to this:
If you love someone with your whole heart and there are negative people in your life who don't want to see you happy, please be strong enough to tell them that you will live your life in happiness and love. Let them stew in their misery alone. You don't have to dwell with them there. Let's open up our lives to good things, people, experiences, and decisions that will enhance our lives. I love you fam!!!!
The last question came to me about 10 minutes ago and I had to log on and blog about it. I was watching a silly Will Ferrell movie and seeing his character was use to living his life based on what was allowed by his mom. As you can probably tell I was watching Step Brothers. Funny movie! Well anyway, she enabled him and he was never made to grow up until things fell apart with his mother's new marriage. Although the situations may not be the same, I just thought of some of my decisions as well as some of the choices some of my current and former friends have made based on pressure and influence from other people.
I have allowed others to influence some of my actions but ultimately these were my actions to make so I always take full responsibility but how many people actually feel like they have no other option but to succumb to the wishes of other people. Again, I must say that I, too, have made choices based on what others said I should do and family, those choices were a disaster.
In high school, a friend planted seed that I hadn't even thought of, about a guy we went to school with and the more we talked, the more I looked at this guy and was like, "yeah, I think he's pretty cool." Granted, he was a great guy and probably still is, but I was hurt behind it because he wasn't feeling me and I thought afterwards, "I am such a friggin idiot." lol. Had I just ignored her and didn't entertain her suggestions, WHO KNOWS where I would be now or who I would be with. Maybe I wouldn't be any different but one thing is sure, nothing is certain.
Later, after YEARS of being "good" and very happy, by the way, I had an idiot friend tell me that I needed to let some of my standards go because I just needed to BE WITH SOMEBODY. ANYBODY. uh...I went out with this guy I didn't really want to because he was just anybody and family, again, REGRETS! I was an adult by then so it's not just teenagers who go through peer pressure. Don't be mistaken.
Now my real question is how many of you will allow a person to alter your destiny or just influence you to turn away from your desired choices or maybe it's a person you're turning away from because you feel you have no choice? Who, among you, has felt your heart break because you felt you had to make a choice to appease someone else who just doesn't want to see you happier than they are? Think about it. If you are miserable in your situation and are in the midst of other miserable people, ask yourself this question, "Why am I afraid to be happy?"
In my experiences, I have seen people make choices for their own life because they would appear to be too happy to their friends and family. Well, to that I say, "ARE YOU EFFIN' CRAZY???" LOL! Let me share a tidbit about myself with you to show you how I deal with the pressure of other people wanting me to make my decisions based on their level of happiness. First, I do care about other people's happiness but I care about my happiness first. The two people I respect more on this earth than anyone are my parents. They had me. They raised me. They taught me. They helped to mold my character and I still will not make a decision solely on making them happy if it made me miserable. I make a point to tell them what I think and what I will decide about certain things so that they know that although I will take their guidance into consideration, ultimately I have to choose for myself and I do just that. If they don't like someone I like, I pay attention to their feelings but if I am not going to be with that person it has to be because I agreed with my parents and saw the same things they saw and not just because they said so. Operating like this does lead to learning lessons the hard way sometimes but most of the time parents are not influencing you negatively but letting you know how they feel and that I can respect. What kinda of woman would I be if I cut and run every time someone said
"No. You shouldn't do that.
You shouldn't buy that.
You shouldn't try that.
You shouldn't go there.
You shouldn't love him."
All I can do is hope that my fam (that would be you) really takes stock in what it is that truly makes you happy and hold on to it. If it's the right thing, time will tell, but if you just don't try, how will you ever know. That leads me to this:
If you love someone with your whole heart and there are negative people in your life who don't want to see you happy, please be strong enough to tell them that you will live your life in happiness and love. Let them stew in their misery alone. You don't have to dwell with them there. Let's open up our lives to good things, people, experiences, and decisions that will enhance our lives. I love you fam!!!!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Seems these days I have been surrounded by babies. I mean, they aren't attacking or anything but I sit on the bus and there are babies laughing and looking at me. I get on the train and there are babies waving and giggling and crying. They are everywhere. Now, every time I see a baby or small child I am both happy and sad. I'm happy because I love the excitement of life that children have. Unspoiled treasures, they are. Then I'm sad because even though I know God to be a God of miracles, sometimes I feel like I'll never be on the receiving end of this kind of blessing. I don't think it has to do with any biological clock but without getting into specifics I feel like I will never have children. Do I want them? Of course but sometimes I feel they are not in the cards for me.
The real truth is I just don't know what's going to happen or what God has in store for me but for now all I can do is watch the little kids and smile and pray that they are kept safe and grow to learn and love like they should. I don't know. I guess I have too many adult children that require my attention for now. lol...
It's just that sometimes I wonder if anyone will ever call me "Mommy" but until then I'll settle for "Auntie".
I don't really get too sad over these feelings but earlier I was watching Tyler Perry's House of Pain on TBS and one of the characters, Janene was pregnant and went into labor and when she thought she was having one baby, she had twins. Yes friends, it's TV but I kinda teared up because it was beautiful and so many woman experience holding a little life that they can nurture and love; a life who will grow to be their ongoing legacy. Now I wonder, who will carry Tara into the future after I'm gone? The doctors haven't told me I can't have children but they haven't said I can so in the next month or so I should know a little more but I'm not worried either way. It's just that lately it's been on my mind and a topic of discussion among my sisters and me. Boggles the mind but all we can do is pray and continue living. If I ever end up a Mom, what a great blessing but if I never become a Mom, my blessings will not be diminished one iota.
Life still goes on. I'm very honest in my blog and in general so many things I express here are simply my honest thoughts. I am not sitting around worried about not having children or what ifs. I am just thinking.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Kissing With Your Eyes Open.
Note: For any family who may read this...get over it. I'm grown. lolol. kidding. No, seriously, I am grown though.
To look into someone's eyes while you're kissing may sound strange but it could be a great part of establishing intimacy. A man or woman who are afraid, unwilling or simple can't open their eyes during a kiss seems, to me, to wonder, 'what are you afraid of?' lol
Can you kiss someone with your eyes open? Well if the person you are kissing is someone who closes their eyes, sure you can. lol. Some people find it distracting and some may find it even a little creepy but some are just comfortable. As for me, I tend to kiss with my eyes open. I have NO idea why but I'm comfortable looking at the person. I guess it's my way of continually seeing how genuine people are.
For some people, intimacy is so private we hide it from ourselves. How many people do you know (including yourself) wouldn't dare open their eyes while they kiss, have sex in the daytime or with the lights on because of some insecurity or fear of actually seeing the other person, just seeing themselves or being seen? The actuality of physically being vulnerable transfers to a psychological vulnerabilty that some people are afraid to confront. I'm not a psychologist or even remotely anyone who can or even should give councel to anyone regarding relationships, intimacy or sex but I'm just a regular person with some curiosity and personal perspectives on these topics that may make someone think the same as the perspectives of others give me reason to dig into my thought process. If you don't normally open your eyes when you kiss someone, open them the next time. lol...
Not that I have kissed a fleet of men but here are some of the things I've seen. lol...Lord, Have Mercy. lol
- I have seen someone so focused on his objective that you can actually see him mentally guiding his every action.
- I have seen someone who tried to prove he was a great kisser that I damn near pulled away and said "Really???"
- I have seen someone's tongue come for me before his lips did!!! EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! LOL
- I have seen someone relaxed and let the moment be what it was; A moment of pure connection. He even opened his eyes a little. It was a feeling of searching. Almost like a secondary communication aside from the physical act going on at the time.

Well, if I ever kiss someone again I'll do it with my eyes completely closed to see how it feels. I don't know. It's not like I stand there staring at the person but it's just something that was on my mind.
Now...Imma go kiss someone. I hope I don't get arrested. (fingers crossed)
Monday, October 4, 2010
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