I don't know.

There. I said it. Well, I wrote it. I loved my low key weekend. Did some re-evaluating of friendships and my obligations to them. I also thought a lot about acquiring new friends and if I even want to do that right now. Should I focus on career, school or my immediate life first? Do I focus on the future, which is never really guaranteed or do I enjoy today with all the fullness I can? All are important but each hold individual expectations that I am trying to fulfill but life has gotten in the way. I'm feeling good about my possibilities but I look at my obligations and expectation through a wide lens and it can be overwhelming. Do I focus on me or loving others? Do I focus on who will potentially love me or wish and hope it happens before I cease to care about wanting the love and affection of someone? Do I become complacent with the status quo of just getting by or do I propel myself into uncharted territory, despite my fear, to awaken in a place of complete newness where the excitement, alone, grabs me and takes me towards my yet fulfilled destiny, waiting? Man, I don't know. All I can do is just move in the space I'm in right now; finish what I'm doing now and ask "What's next?" After I complete that task I'll ask again,"What's next?"
There will always be a "What's next?" in life and when you can no longer come up with the "Next" then you know you have completed your journey here. Until then, keep moving and keep asking that question. It's so much to learn, do, be, see and comprehend in this life. So, What's next? Everything.
Stay Tru
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