Lol! We'll I can say much more but I feel out of it and probably shouldn't even be looking at this computer screen so here's the rest of my love content for the day then back to bed.
I've written a lot about my recent break up, the hurt, the confusion and the love that still remains. I looked at one of my posts yesterday and was like "Really? Am I really being this transparent to people?" The answer is "yes". Personal transparency is both a benefit and liability. Because I'm open enough to show and share my real, honest to goodness, truest feelings, some may view that as a way to manipulate the goodness I possess. The benefit, however, is that you know me and this is the real me. It's not an altered version of me so that i may obtain favor with anyone. I present myself, as I truly am, and those who call me "friend" have done so because they appreciate the real me. Anyone who chooses that I'm not what they are looking for in a friend has every right to seek friendship elsewhere. Those who have called me "friend" then decided later that they would rather not have me as a friend, in my opinion, didn't know what the heck they wanted in the first place. All of that is still cool.
My list of friends, in the last few years, have dwindled down to a very few. I am okay with that also. Everyone I have ever told, "I love you", I still do. If I've been treated badly by them, I decided I didn't need them in my life but wherever they are I'll always have love for them. There aren't too many people that I have true contempt for because honestly, it's not my business what your opinion of me is but if you love me I'll make it my business to love you back something fierce. lol...So there. That's my entry for today. I'm soooooooo weak. Going to rest now. Loved ones, stay Tru.
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