Saturday, March 1, 2025



I’ve wiped away the tears and no one was there to see

My heart aches so openly

What will you do?

Will you just stand aside and feel

Or will stand tall against the hate that hurt so many of us all

We are not alone

By TRU Ess, (c) 2025

Sunday, February 23, 2025


As we race toward another week, the 9th week of 2025 to be exact, the daunting task we must face is how to navigate a new global landscape of being in a country that is rapidly losing favor in the world. Granted, the inner turmoil of this country is definitely on display and after all, would you want to be friends with a bully drama queen/king??? It's fucking exhausting. 
 I've spent the last year recovering from my last 8 years in DC. Georgia nature, front porch star gazing, music, aromatic tobacco smoke of hand rolled cigars, laughter where there were once constant tears have given me a reset that was necessary. Do I have the answer to the question  "What's next?" Nope. I actually took a year off from working and now that I'm ready to jump back in, the US is in shambles. It's a fucking mess. 

But let's talk about something a little different because I can't say how much one conversation about the state of this janky jackleg government can send my blood pressure soaring. Let's talk about animals. Not just any animals, a pitbull.  Not just any pitbull. This pitbull. 

She almost looks like a sweetly sleeping pup. 

 This is Buttercup (aka "B-Cup", aka "Cuppy Cup"). She is one of my roommates.  The one that pays not nary a bill. 

She looks younger than she is but getting to know her this last year has been interesting, funny, infuriating,  all the emotions. Smh 

And now, "Story Time with TRU & Cuppy Cup".

I won't tell the year-long story but I will tell the story of the shady ass pup that got me the other day. This lil girl was on my sister's bed after she left for work. She knows she's not supposed to be. I told her to get down and she jumped down and began limping. Since I never believe her other deceitful acts, I was like "Cuppy, get down and go in the living room." She starts walking with a limp. I've never seen her limp. So me, being hoodwinked, gave her a treat where she lay because I didn't want her to move farther. Later she moved to her bed and stayed there until dinner time in the evening. As time goes on, I know she needs to go outside to use the outdoor doggie facility  (aka the lawn for her peeing and pooping). I decide, out of the goodness of my stupid heart, to put her coat on and carry her outside, down the stairs, and to the lawn so she wouldn't hurt herself. THIS MOFO STARTED WALKING NORMALLY WITHOUT ISSUE! Lil jerk. 

I walked her around the yard and she started rolling around and trotting. I wish you could have seen my face. 😐😠. I then put her on the wire leash outside and this so-and-so took off running from one side of the yard to the other. I yelled "FAKER!!!" and went in the house. Today she was leaping up the stairs outside and zooming around the yard. She's worse than people. Lol THE MALARKEY!!!