Friday, April 27, 2012

Searching for Peace

"Love is available to you at the very moment you think it's the furthest from you."

TRU Essence

I had a conversation with a family member who is feeling lost, alone and unsure that she can make it beyond this day.  Many times our feelings are in direct conflict with our knowledge of who we really are and how much strength we really possess.   Knowing that words don't always help in a situation like that, I had to start with telling her how much I love her and that even in this moment, she is stronger than her worries; stronger than her fears; stronger than her loneliness; stronger than the situation that brought her to this place.  She is stronger than her adversary. 

We often look so far into the future based on our current situation and see a more amplified version of the present.  We often neglect what we know about the strength we have acquired to get where we are and feel like we will faint in the face of struggles.  We look at our issues and weigh the fairness of it and feel like if life is unfair in this situation, life will always be unfair to me.  The truth is sometimes life is very unfair.  Living this life isn't about fairness. Life isn't about everything going the way we want it to go or us being shown favor in every situation.  Sometimes, people will take things from you that isn't there. Sometimes someone will give you something that's not yours. Sometimes you will not receive the things you want no matter how much you want them but trust this: God sees it all and if you can say you are hurting you still have another chance for happiness and growth!

Trust when I say that I understand the valley experience.  We all have them.  They may differ in circumstances but what we feel from them still equates to a pain that, for the individual, feels unique.

It's difficult to find peace in a situation that is birthed from chaos.  People of faith don't always draw from that same faith but, even if for a moment, fall to the worry and doubt that the world has told us is unavoidable, necessary and never ending.  Our feelings are not always reliable, especially when you KNOW how strong you are.

I'm learning everyday that I'm stronger than I feel.  We all are.  You are.  Peace is available when you get to a place to shut out the loud noise of chaos and draw on your strength.  I'm not saying the issues will go away but how you react to them may.  I pray we all continue growing in peace and encourage each other to do so.  We all need to be mindful of any contribution we may have to the chaos we facilitate in the lives of people we suppose to love and even the people we claim we don't love.  If you spread chaos, that's what will come back to you.  If you share peace, even in the chaotic moments you will be able to retain some of that peace to carry you through. Live isn't easy but it doesn't have to break you. 

Be @ Peace Loved Ones!!!

Real Life Requires Real...

Stay TRU  

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