Monday, August 8, 2011

The Weight of the World

There are moments when you find yourself in a place of seclusion. In this place you find that every thought you think has about 5 more thought tacked onto that thought. These overwhelming thoughts snowball out of control until you can't see a solution for any particular problem but you see a blog where no matter what direction you attempt to tackle first, seeking a resolution, you still tend to  buckle, stop and ask yourself "What am I doing?"

Well, in all that could go wrong and may go wrong in my life, I try not to wait until the weight of life overwhelms me to get my bearings or to get clarity on what I am trying to do.  You have to take time for yourself, daily. May not be hours of time to sit and think about your next steps in a general sense but you can take 5 minutes to say "Okay, where am I and what's next?"

For example, bills
  • What bills do I have?
  • What is my priority?
  • What can I pay now?

Don't look at everything and say I can't pay all this now and start to worry. Know in advance, 'Bite sizes" and you will feel like you are moving forward instead of sitting in a pile of "I can't" and letting it eat you up.

Every aspect of our lives has the capacity to overwhelm us and sometimes it's unavoidable but worry is just panicking about something that may not even happen or something that is beyond your capabilities to handle. Unless you are apart of the 1% of people who are so wealthy that most days they don't have a care about money, you will have issues with money and that alone is stressful but you have to know that good and bad times fluctuate so find so acknowledge when something is beyond your ability and let it go or turn it over to someone who can help you. Even if someone doesn't pour millions of dollars into your hands, they can get you through the emotional, psychological and mental struggles that will help you deal.

You know, the thing about loving yourself is that when you do, you don't want worry for yourself just as you wouldn't want someone else you love to worry. Care about yourself just as you would care about someone you really love. There is nothing wrong with that.  God loves us more than enough and knowing that He cares should make you want to care more about what he cares for.  That's my blah blah blah for the day. Until next time, loved ones, learn something new today and if you don't at least teach someone else something new.


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