Monday, January 22, 2024

Imagine If

Imagine if

You look at her and see your choice in forever

You see every weight added to life with the courtesy of holding close an affection that is your through way to a destiny coloured with deep shades of transparent blues and yellows

Her eyes are all you can see and they read a real story of love

She braced to become the woman you asked for on knees to a god you said you believed in

Your request was fulfilled 

Holding her hand to your chest to feel the heart you pledged to her in the darkest moments of the nights when she revealed every part of herself to you

The nights you said you will always be the man she deserves and desires 

Calming hands feel spaces on…in her that springs forth the entities guarding her soul and lead you down a pathway only you can walk.

The desire is there

Love grows and fills cups that spill over into reality; painting the most delicate of pictures as a watercolor on mulberry paper

Striking curves reminding you why you long for her

You return to get a glimpse, hear her soft breathing as you rub her curves and kiss the nape of her neck

But you have to pull away and fear you may never find this feeling again

So now, as the dawn shows itself,  this will only be a memory

She will have to be a memory

But imagine…if you held all of what you feel for her...

And gave it to your wife