Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Into the thick of it.

Following an Unseen Vision

 My thoughts may be a bit disjointed today so forgive me in advance for the circles I feel I'm about to write in. 

There is a real struggle to not give up. Many people assume that if one gives up on anything that it's a sign of weakness and showing no effort to succeed.  People assume this based on their own ability to be successful of their goals or the "you can do anything you put you mind to do" subjective reality. So, we judge. 

When someone is struggling with life, we judge.  Whether it's difficulty in relationships or career, with the seemingly eternal thoughts within oneself, or with life, this conflicting society says in one breath "you are loved and we see you" and "you're not strong enough and therefore less valued so we're going to look away because the weak don't matter".






These are just a few descriptors that cycle in the background for many of us and they influence every part of our anxiety filled lives. How we show up in the world may not tell the whole story of our challenges with life and living. 

Some people broadcast their challenges and that's not a bad thing because we are often told to speak up but we have become a desensitized society that says one thing and does the opposite. 

Family is all that matters then family betrays you.

Friends will be there when you need them but everyone has their own shit who can really be there for anyone. 

There is someone for everyone but no one ever comes. 

Don't want to be a burden so the "weak" and lonely fight to keep holding on to everything that supposed to matter with white knuckles.

What happens when your grasp begins to loosen and not holding on feels more like relief than failure??