Mother's Day is a day of love and appreciation for mothers and the other women in your life who have stood in place of or in addition to, biological mothers. I'm fortunate to have mother around and can still show appreciation. As grateful as I am to have my mother, mother's day is bitter sweet for me because it is an amplified reminder that I have no children to celebrate me. The sadness is not me not getting gifts or flowers or a card saying "Happy Mother's Day Mom" but that there is no extension of Tara for generations to come to say "My grandmother (or greatgrandmother) Tara..."
I have reconciled that I may never have any children so I'm not necessarily sad but on Mother's Day, people are being kind by saying happy mother's day because most people see a woman of a certain age and think she must have kids. Well, I don't so I just say thank you instead of trying to explain that I don't have children. This year I'll be 41 and I don't doubt God can do anything but He and I have an understanding. Lol
Though His purpose may or may not include children for me whenever I have the opportunity, I must provide support and extend wisdom to a young person and if that imparted knowledge is ingrained into their essence and is activated to change the course of their lives for the better, I'm more than happy to oblige.
I don't have god-children either but I have two (soon to be three) knuckle head nephews and a beautifully sarcastic niece so whenever I can, I teach Charles about art, not being afraid to try new things, and nutrition, Steven, about the ways of the world and to follow his dreams with dignity and self respect and Courtney, knowing thyself and being courageous despite what others see when they look at her, say when she succeeds or fails, and to never walk through life with her head down.
Those lessons, hopefully, will still be flowing through the future Aldridge generations and just maybe someone will say, years after I'm gone, "My great aunt Tara taught me that."
For all the mothers on the planet, have an awesome Mother's Day!!!!