Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Life in perspective

Each day you wonder what will happen that will change the course of your current situation in life. What will be that thing or that event that you cannot ignore or turn away from? What will be done, will you have to do, or will happen that will set your life on a different course, place you on the proper course or stop you dead in your track and make you re-evaluate everything you think you know about life and yourself?   Some things happen that change the paradigm that we have built our lives around. Some things we have the power to change because we can see the patterns of our behavior or there are logical outcomes based on the situations but there are also instances where you have no idea that certain events will occur.  When you don't know something is going to happen, you cannot avoid that event from happening. 

Most people see situations on the news or hear others speak of certain misfortunes or tragedies and think "man, I'm sure glad that's not me." but when it is you, how can you cope?  What do you have inside of you that will help you carry on through the roughest of time without wanting to give up and throw in the towel?

Most people have their source of strength and belief system that gives them the coping skills even when they aren't sure they can fully give themselves to those systems at the moment when they are grasping to hold onto what they know vs what they feel.  I am a woman of faith. I have unwavering faith in God that has been tested time and time again but even in the moments I feel that maybe, just maybe God has decided not to keep me in his direct or peripheral view, I am still His child and that doesn't mean He doesn't love me or isn't paying attention.  We all have our moments when life takes you for a loop but what is that thing that brings you back to the reality that, in the simplest way I can put it, "Life Happens"?

No person is exempt from bad things happening. People would like to reserve all bad events for the people who do bad things, hurt people, are mean and evil but the truth is that life doesn't discriminate.  Good and bad happen to all people.  The important thing is to always understand that so that whatever happens, you won't have a false sense of undeserved events or God being unfair for "letting" something happen to you.   You are human. Life happens to humans. People live. Everyone at some point will die regardless of how long we want to live.  We don't want to see our loved ones hurt or die but even if you have the good fortune to live a life with minimum tragic events, you will experience some pain even if indirectly. 

As I write this I am sitting in a hospital waiting room in PG County, MD where my brother-in-law is in ICU due to someone hitting him with a car while he was walking home two nights ago.  The person hit him, got out of the car and fled, leaving my brother-in-law in the road.  This situation could have been much worse had it not been for a pedestrian passing by and called 911 to get him help. What is amazing is even though he suffered a broken pelvis, broken wrist, broken nose, punctured lung, broken bones near his eye, broken ribs and a few more injuries...O_O, he was able to laugh, pray and talk a little.  I am ever grateful at the spirit  which he carries with him because without his faith and the drive to live and have a more abundant quality of life with the gift of a second chance, his healing may not be as complete as it can be. I believe our attitude and level of faith has a great deal to do with how you heal. 

His spirits are wonderful for a man who is in so much pain. He expresses his love to all his friends and family and those who didn't even know him but interceded in prayer on his behalf.  I admire the drive to simply survive but when you want to live you will yourself to get through the pain.  He will be okay.  I believe and trust he will be.  I love my brother and when he hurts, our whole family hurts.  When he is in need, we are all available to help him. 

Life tends to come out of left field and tackle you but as long as life is present, you can get up and move forward even if the steps are short and someone has to hold you up.  KEEP GOING!!!